
To create a responsive, economical tax program for your company, Commercial Tax Network will select and pursue a course from the following steps:

  • Conduct personal, on-site inspection of your physical facilities.

  • Determine from public records the appraisal method and data employed by the local taxing authority in assessing your property.

  • Analyze your company's financial and appraisal records to discover possible multiple assessments.

  • Examine appraisal methods ensuring you are receiving maximum depreciation advantages.

  • Determine assessments on comparable properties for application of equal and fair standards by taxing authorities.

  • Create appeal summaries for presentation to assessing authorities based on reasonable calculation of market, cost and income basis for values, and comparable assessments.

  • Inspect properties for economic and physical obsolescence.

  • Examine inventory values for maximum allowable credits.

  • Prepare, sign and file personal property and/or real estate tax returns on your behalf.

  • Conduct active, personal negotiation of values with local tax assessing authorities.

  • Appeal unfair valuations and make personal presentations of data to Review Boards.

  • Recommend legal counsel to appeal unfair evaluations when warranted.

  • Secure proper tax statements, audit according to the approved program and authorize for payment.

  • Analyze and report major changes in tax liabilities of individual properties.

  • Assist you in estimating taxes on proposed new properties upon request.

  • Provide estimates of all taxes for accrual purposes.

  • Prepare annual reports comparing the current year's tax assessments with prior years, documenting your tax savings and projecting recommendations for future years.

Copyright © Commercial Tax Network 2025. All rights reserved

Commercial Tax Network . 3730 Cypress Creek Pkwy., Ste. 200, Houston, TX 77068-3508
Phone: 281-897-1119 . Toll Free: 1-800-829-8802 . Fax: 281-897-0004

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